Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nov 5 Alanna Elizabeth Davenport born

Is there anything more precious than a newborn baby? Don't think so. Alannaz arrived at 6:30pm on Nov 5th, weighing in at 7 lbs, 8 oz and 21 in. long.

She is a long anticipated miracle baby and went home with her Momma and Daddy on Monday the 8th. The new little family is doing well. Michael was able to take off time to be home with his wife and daughter to help with the settling in of a new routine.

She nurses well and sleeps well. Both Mom and Dad are tired, but catching up with cat naps.

Day two of her life she was a little jaundiced and had to go under the lights for a while. We think technology is wonderful. They have a blanket with the light built in.

Uncle Ross asks, "Why doesn't a little yellow skin and a blue light create a "green" baby?" Don't know the answer to that one Uncle Ross.

Grama is proud of Alanna and her Momma. Can you tell?

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