Monday, November 1, 2010

Holocaust Museum

Katherine and 15 other Home Schoolers from the KACH group attended the Holocaust Museum of Houston on Oct 20th. The museum if one of a kind for our area and the docent who was our guide was wonderful, knowledgeable and knew how to speak to kids.

This is Katherine standing in the front of the building. The inscriptions on these cement blocks were family groups that were completely wiped out through the extermination by Hiltler. There are 6 pillars, like the one behind Katherine, each representing one million people.

The field trip lasted 2.5 hours and there was not a single "I'm bored. When can we eat? Do we have to stay here?" heard among the kids. How refreshing.

The main message of the museum is to reminding us all to be UPSTANDERS! People who stand up and speak when they see injustice being done. Katherine and I have had several good discussions stemming from this trip.

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