Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Katherine and Grace to Dewberry Farms

On Nov 8th, the entire KACH group was invited to go to the local Farm Amusement Park. Animals to touch and feed, zip lines, go carts, jump houses and mounds, a dark barn with 500 carved pumpkin heads to view. Goats climbed the high wires, geese demanded to be fed, a cow was there from a local commercial dairyman who had a mini milking station set up. (All the kids wanted to pet the cow). The corn maze was a highlight. Thankfully no one got lost!

We were there from 9am till 2pm, each of us getting one degree or another of sunburn. Tired and weary we were driving home and in the back seat the discussion turned to Adam/Atom and the difference between the two:

Grace: A friend of my Dad's is named Adam.

Katherine: No Not Adam, atom!

G: I said Adam.

K: No. Adam is made of atoms. Atom cannot be made of Adams.

What are atoms made of anyway?

K: Hesitatingly, molecules, I think.

G: Well....what are molecules made of?

K: Ummmm (with help from mom) Protons, nuetrons and electrons

G; I like croutons.

With this string of conversation you can see where we adults struggle a bit to keep up. They are darling girls and do so well together as friends.

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