Thursday, November 11, 2010

Katherine meets Alanna

It was a wonderful day. Katherine and I did some school both at home and in the car on the way to Meagan and Michael's. School goes well and quickly when there is motivation to be done.

We arrived just in time to be able to hold her and rock her to sleep. She sleeps much easier and better than her mother did when she was that age. Katherine sat on the couch and held her, worrying each time she had a little wiggle or squirm. "What does she want? What does that mean?" Hard for a 12 year old to understand some things don't MEAN anything.

Katherine was wide-eyed over several things: poop, umbilical cord and crying. SHe wanted to distract Alanna with a toy. Alanna would have none of it.

We all ate lunch, wioth Alanna in her car seat in a chair by her Daddy. Then it was time to feed. Meagan is supposed to really push the feedings because baby is a little jaundiced and they need the milk to clear the system of "jaundice yellow color" or whatever that billirubin stuff is.

I got to feed her the bottle. She was hungry, hungry. So nice to have a contented baby. She drank 2 ounces like it was nothing. Burped right on cue.

Then...the highlight. I got to bathe her for the first time. Meagan just wanted to watch and assist, to get the idea of things. Alanna doesn't like being open and un-swaddled. Cried hard for a short while as we dressed her again. But cuddled right back down happily.

As we left she was happily sleeping in her bassinet, play yard thing. Daddy was sacked out on the bed and Mommy was going to fill a few more bottles with breat milk. Contented family.

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