Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hawaiian Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday on the Big Isaland of Hawaii. . We stayed in a condo, nice, but who wants to cook and do laundry on vacation? Ha. The meals were fun, but the highlight of the trip was swimming (soo many different pools and waterfalls) and field trips to the other side of the island that had volcanoes, waterfalls and lush vegetation.

It seemed hard to adjust to the time change. Only 4 hours difference, but we were up way to early in the mornings and dead tired at 9pm. Katherine always insisted that she wasn't tired at all. :-) Many mornings Dave and Katherine were up drinking coffe at 5am. Katherine's had LOTS of sugar and creamer. smile.We saw many new and beautiful birds and plenty of mongooses (mongeese?). Dad, there were soo many different, georgeous plants that I gave up trying to take pictures of them all!

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