Thursday, July 7, 2011

Alanna Can Crawl!! Fourth of July 2011

Mike, Meagan and Alanna joined us for 4th of July meal and swim time and what entertainment she is. We also invited our good friend Susie who came prepared for the pool. The temp was hovering around 100...we ate and stayed inside when we were not in the pool.

The swimsuit is a darling little thing. She wore a diaper underneath it and when she was lifted out at the end of pool time, she must have weighed 30 lbs. Those "super absorbancy" claims are true.

She is  officially crawling. It is a slow process, and she doesn't go directly to the toy she was looking at but there is motion and she can no longer be  left alone on the floor, bed or anywhere without restraints! have just entered into a new era of motherhood..."baby dashing"!! Isn;t she just darling?

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