Saturday, February 12, 2011

Baby Alanna learns to smile

Meagan and Mike came down with the flu and baby Alanna was under the weather also. Katherine and I spent a day at their house with her, then brought her home for two nights so that the kids could sleep through the night and hopefully recover quicker. While she was with us, she really perfected the "smile on cue" trick. We of course loved the results. Here they are.

Katherine in charge of Gatorade

Katherine, along with Lexi and Rob, were chosen to douse the youth leader, Russ Walje , with Gatorade in celebration of getting 90 kids in church one single Sunday Service. The emphasis was designed to culminate on Super Bowl Sunday, and it did. Poor Russ. The temp was chilly and the wind was blowing. The thermos container was filled with ice. I'll bet he had a roaring headache.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Alanna's Snow Day

Alanna's school closed early on Thursday, as did most of the city and suburbs around Houston. Meagan called in the morning to say that although Alanna's school was out early, hers was not and could Katherine and I collect Alanna and bring her home to their house. What self respecting Grama could say "No" tp that request.

We picked up sleeping Alannna at school, she slept on the way home, slept as we put her in her crib and slept for another few hours. Katherine and I kept checking on her to be sure  she didn;t need picking up or cuddling or anything. Nope, she was fine.

 As the evening progressed, the school district made the decision to close school on Friday and so there was no need for Katherine and me to stay the night and be with Alanna the next day. (Katherine was anixious to get home and be with Grace and neighborhood for the Big Snow Extravaganza.) We left at about 5:30 and made it home before any precipitation started.

Thought you might like to see a shot and a video. She is such a cutey!!

Snow Day in Houston

The anticipation was high, maybe even more than Christmas morning. The weather man said there was going to be snow. The school, libraries, government offices and such were all closed down for the day. Surely this waws going to be the most wonderful day. Plans were made for neighborhood snow ball fights, forts, snowmen and fozen sculptures. Alas, when 6am arrived and the girls danced dow3n the stairs and out the back door, expecting to see a winter wonderland, all the saw was frozen grass.

Not to be daunted, the came inside and dressed for a snow day. Layers upon layers of tights, leggings, sweatpants and jeans. T shirts covered with sweaters and sweatshirs, then jackets. They  topped out the outfits with scarves, hats, mittens and boots before the headed outside.

The ground was icy. They made cardboard sleds and slid down the yard. They formed tiny little snowballs and wrote their names in the skiff of flakes that stayed in the coldest spots. The dogs had the best of time trying to figure out what the girls were up to.

We have finished the day by making brownies and watching some good TV shows. I suspect mom will be looking for a nap this afternoon.  Smile