Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Beautiful cool day for riding

Katherine has been taking western lesson for a year and a half now from local riding instructor, Joanne Whitherspoon who has Tennessee Walkers for her students to ride.
Until today, Katherine has been on her steadier, older mounts Molly and Dancer. But this was a sort of graduation day. She got to ride Molly's daughter, Angel.
Katherine does very well with riding. She controlls the horse nicely and is working on giving consistent commands to the horse, both by voice and by legs and reins. Bothg of them are happiest when they are loping (the fasted gait so far) and I think Katherine would lope for the entire hour if the horse could endure it and there were no 0ther skills to learn.
We ride every Monday. The scheduled one hour is always longer. Joanne has taken them to a nearby golf course that has been purchased and renovated for pleasure riding. What fun.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Halloween Cleopatra and Meagan

Another trip to Meagan's doctor gave us a chance to show off our Cleopatra costume. She looks beautiful in it. There will be a costume judging constest at the local elementary school and she hopes to enter. They also have a carnival. This may be the last year we are allowed to participate, but she is anxious to go with Grace, of course!

Megana is 36 weeks along here and we are anticipating Alanna to arrive any time now. Meagan has her hospital bag packed and all is ready at home. Now...to just get through the arrival process!!
Michael came home for lunch this day and so we were able to get a shot of him also. Notice the baby blanket on the couch behind him.
I don;t have the spacing element of these pages down yet. Can you tell?? ha.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Beautiful Fall Day. Friends visit.

What a delight to have time in the day to visit with other homeschool friends.

Amy and Hunter Atwood stopped by today after Hunter's piano lesson and we moms had some time to chat and the kids climbed trees, fed and admired the cows and horses, ran with the dogs and played in the fort. Hunter remarked that "He would like to have a farm someday too!"

Amy and I are both first year homeschool moms and so ther was much to talk about. Things that aare good. Things that are difficult. Things that are a wonder! She is a most enthusiastic, positive person and I like to catch a little of her "spark"!

We also saw this HUGE moth resting over our back door. Don;t know what kind it is, but certainly is content with all the comings and goings through the door.