Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Some Mornings are a little Wacky

Katherine has been much distracted thinking about Halloween costumes for the upcoming holiday. I banned talk about costumes until further notice. To subtly remind me that she was still thinking about it...she came down this morning in her hotdog costume from last year. Klondike wasn't just sure WHO had him???

School got off to a little later start this morning. Smile

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Spelling Test Given by Dad

Dad arrived home early on Friday and was able to give Katherine her Spelling test this week. I made her look up and smile. She does very well in spelling, even though the words are hard. Some of the words this week: facetious, garrulous and timorous. I only knew one of these three. How about you?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Meagan Visit and Doc Appt

One of the neat parts about Home School is that we get to take it with us. We loaded up some books and things and headed for Meagan's house and a 1pm doctor appt.

Katherine worked on Reading, Math and Science. When we got there, Katherine was allowed to joing us in the room and saw Baby Alanna playing with her fingers and sticking out her tongue.

Meagan looks good. Still bed-rest-assigned, but looking forward to getting the OK to start "moving about" in another 4 weeks.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Paper-Proverbs and Prayer

We generally start the day by reading the headlines and interesting stories on the paper. Katherine always checks the graphs and statistics printed at the bottom of each USA section.
We have had some very good dcussions about current events and how they got to be an issue at all. We are currently praying for the miners in Chile and Amrican hikers in the Middle East.You can tell that the paper is pretty much "unhinged" by the time she gets through. Ha.

A Look at the room

It was always the case, even now, that the "room" had to be set up before the teacher (me) could start thinking clearly about what to teach, how to teach it and how to make it easy for all of us. Some folks call it "nesting." and I think they are right. Thought you might like to see what our classroom looks like.

The first week of homeschool

We did it. We jumped off the public/private school wagon and started 7th grade with homeschool. Excited (both of us) and a little nervous (just the teacher) we embarked on a full curriculum of many subjects, new curriculums and a lot of enthusiam. Here is a picture of Katherine on the first day of school. Notice the tiara. It added alittle sparkle to the day.

We dedicated the dining room as our school room., installed a large whiteboard and posters on the walls. Katherine has a work area and I have a work area both with computers. We are close to the kitchen for easy access for the working/eating day.

World History, Math, Science, Bible, English and Reading are to Core subjects. Spanish, Spelling, Health, Flute and PE are the extra subjects. Our daily schedule always starts with flute practice. I am going to try to include a video of her practicing. Let's see it it works.? Nope...just a picture.